
¿Existen riesgos al participar en un estudio?

Nuestro personal médico y de apoyo altamente calificado se somete a capacitaciones exhaustivas a fin de reducir al mínimo los riesgos para los participantes de los estudios. Puede estar seguro de que se siguen las medidas de seguridad a continuación:

  • Hace más de 16 años que realizamos estudios de investigación clínica.
  • Cumplimos con las Buenas Prácticas Clínicas (Good Clinical Practice, GCP), que representan una garantía pública de protección de los derechos, la seguridad y el bienestar de los sujetos humanos que participan en investigaciones.
  • Todos los estudios son supervisados por Juntas de Revisión Institucional (Institutional Review Board, IRB) que garantizan que se respeten estándares éticos y derechos de los sujetos en cada ensayo clínico.
  • Contamos con sistemas de control de emergencia en nuestro centro y capacitación para emergencias de nuestro personal que forma parte de los estudios.

Testimonial #3

Participating in a clinical trial was a life changing experience for me, understanding how trials are conducted to develop new medicines. To be part of this was an eye-opening experience. The knowledge I gained about my health is invaluable. Their dedicated staff is admirable, and everyone was super friendly. I would like to participate in future trials at ProSciento.

Testimonial #1

I recently participated in a ProSciento study and was very pleased by their level of professionalism, the attentiveness of the staff, and the quality of the facility. Everything was clearly explained and the study advanced as expected. It will be cool to learn in the future how many people’s lives were improved by the result of this study, hopefully, many thousands.

Is this a treatment program?

By participating in the clinical development, you are gaining access and contributing to new therapeutics and technologies not yet available in the market. You are supporting medical and scientific progress and success, which may be of great benefit to those affected.

Are visiting hours allowed?

Due to the current state of affairs with COVID-19, once you are enrolled in a study and check-in for our overnight stays, visiting hours will be limited to protect the safety of our staff and other study participants.

Do you have other locations for screening visits or clinical studies?

Generally, all screenings and study visits will take place at our Chula Vista facility. We may ask you to get some lab work and procedures done at other off-site locations, but this varies largely on the study. Our study participant recruiters can provide you with more information during your call.

As a global clinical research organization, ProSciento also manages clinical research studies in locations throughout the US, Canada, Europe and Asia-Pacific. If interested in clinical studies outside of Southern California, including NASH PASS® studies , please email participants@nashpass.com.