The Progression of Diabetes
Diabetes is a progressive disease and making some simple choices can drastically change your outcome if addressed early. Ignoring type 2 diabetes is life-threatening! Talk to your doctor and manage your type 2 diabetes to live a long and healthy life!
Unmanaged type 2 diabetes leads to:
- Fat build-up in your liver also known as fatty liver disease
- Eye diseases like cataracts and glaucoma, retinopathy, possibly blindness
- Nerve damage and skin infections that may require limb amputation
- Heart damage doubling the risk of heart attack and stroke
- Kidney damage requiring regular dialysis and possibly a transplant
- Irreversible erectile dysfunction
- Dental problems such as gum disease and mouth ulcers
- Increased odds of getting Alzheimer’s disease
Let’s Break Down The Information…
Untreated diabetes
How common is diabetes?
Diabetes is a progressive disease and making some simple choices can drastically change your outcome if addressed early. Ignoring type 2 diabetes is life threatening!

Eating healthy while keeping track of your BMI and A1C can help reduce your risk of complications related to diabetes!
Clinical trial researchers partner with study participants to help advance science in the treatment of diseases.
Before enrolling in a study, we encourage you to talk to your family and consult with your doctor about any questions you may have. When you’re ready, one of our highly trained team members will guide you through the process every step of the way. We have English and Spanish-speaking team members ready to help you and answer any questions or concerns you may have.