Diversity in Clinical Trials

Why Diversity in Clinical Trials is Important

A recent 2022 report showcased the “critical shortcomings” in clinical research in the US, a lack of diversity in clinical trials. While we know it’s important to include diversity in medical research, the report highlights how racial and ethnic minority populations continually get left out.

Without question, this is a huge concern. When other racial or ethnic minorities are not represented in clinical trials, the data isn’t sufficient, as individual ages, races, and ethnicities may react differently to medication or treatments. As a result, it makes diversity in clinical research vital.

Importance of diversity in clinical trials

two friends with different ethnicities

We must include diversity and inclusion in clinical trials because of the following:  

      • Datasets – When racial and ethnic minorities are underrepresented or even excluded from clinical trials, the data collected isn’t broad enough to be reliable or valid. This can result in a lack of clinical innovation and progression.
      • Generalizability – Without a broad dataset across multiple ages, races, and ethnicities, it can be harder to generalize treatments or medications.
      • Unmet Needs – If certain populations are not represented in clinical trials, the needs of those particular groups may remain unmet and never addressed. 

Simply put, diverse representation is key to bringing safety to all. But, despite this, 55% of clinical trial companies suggest that recruiting population diversity to their medical research is the #1 challenge in the workplace.

At ProSciento, we know the importance of including people of different ages, sexes, and ethnicities in clinical trials. However, though we’re committed to maintaining the standards set by the FDA with diversity and inclusion, we cannot change the industry alone. Together we must educate one another on improving diversity in clinical trials.

How to improve diversity in clinical trials

One of the best ways to improve diversity in clinical trials is to recognize and address existing barriers. This includes identifying issues that have caused a lack of representation in the past and developing strategies to eliminate them. With this in mind, here are some tips on how we can improve diversity in clinical trials:

      1. Identify any existing roadblocks – Employing a systematic approach to recruitment can help identify potential issues preventing people from participating in clinical trials.
      2. Increase public awareness – Raising awareness of the importance of diverse participation can greatly impact recruitment numbers. This includes providing information about the trial, its goals and purpose, and any potential benefits of participating.
      3. Engage community-based organizations – Working with local community-based organizations can provide easy access to diverse participants.
      4. Offer incentives or reimbursements – Offering reimbursement for travel expenses or other incentives, such as money (we offer an Ambassador Program where refers can receive $150 per participant), may help increase recruitment numbers.
      5. Improve data analysis – Utilizing sophisticated data analysis methods and artificial intelligence can help identify potential participants who may have previously missed out.

At the end of the day, we must ensure diversity is included and represented in clinical trials. By using the above tips on improving diversity in clinical trials, we can eliminate many roadblocks and adequately represent everyone, regardless of age, sex, or ethnicity. 


As you know, it’s essential to include diversity and inclusion in clinical trials. Without this representation, the data collected can be unreliable, which could lead to a lack of innovation and progression in the medical field. To ensure that everyone gets the care they require, it’s a must for the industry.

Let’s beat this issue together. 

San Diego is Leading in Bioscience

Bioscience San Diego: Leaders in the US

We know San Diego is a tourist destination due to its great weather, excellent food, and amazing beaches. Still, there’s a little-known secret behind San Diego’s success.

No, it’s not simply Balboa Park and its museums, SeaWorld, or the world-renowned San Diego Zoo.  San Diego is also home to some of the most well-known Bioscience companies.

Bioscience is a primary driver of the San Diego innovation economy. More than 1,225 life science enterprises and more than 80 independent and university-affiliated research institutions are located in the region.

What makes San Diego the life science capital of the US?

Photo of people walking down a street in San Diego

One of the major contributors to San Diego becoming the life science capital of the US is its foundation. With such a large number of firms and university-affiliated research institutions, it’s gained vast amounts of interest, increasing the economics of this region and, ultimately, the funding. 

We believe San Diego has reached this number-one spot for many reasons. However, here are the primary ones:

  • Lab Space – San Diego has about 18.63 million square feet of lab space, which is centered in the mid-county areas of Torrey Pines, Sorrento Mesa, and University Town Center.
  • Increased demand – The San Diego marketplace for bioscience has seen a rise in demand, with more than 6 million square feet added since 2015 and 3.25 million square feet under development.
  • Jobs – Life sciences workers make more than $92,913 per year, more than any other traded cluster in San Diego County.
  • Research Funds – NIH funding in biological sciences reached more than $817.63 million to UC San Diego. 
  • Economic Impact – Life sciences activity generates a total economic impact of $34 billion in San Diego.

When the above are combined, it generates a thriving community and economy in the bioscience sector—the reasons mentioned above are beyond expectations when compared to other regions or states in the US. 

Become a part of San Diego life sciences

Despite San Diego having many well-known and wonderful places to visit, the life science community is thriving, and people want to participate. At first, you might think this requires years of learning and certain PHDs or master’s degrees. However, this isn’t the case; anyone can help. 

At ProSciento, we’re dedicated to improving the well-being and treatments of patients diagnosed with obesity, fatty liver disease, and diabetes. Our scientists and researchers are looking for help from people like you. With your participation, we can undergo important clinical research for new therapies to help those suffering from the three health conditions mentioned above. 

Your help will be noticed, too. We’ll happily pay you if you participate or refer anyone to help with our clinical research. With your help, we can improve life sciences in San Diego and, most importantly, help those with health complications to gain access to newer and better treatments. 

Join today and become a part of a brighter future

Joining the thriving Bioscience community has never been easier. Start by applying online by filling in a form that can get found on our homepage